Tuesday, April 1, 2008

I Want to REWARD You

There is a special reward... how about free Chipotle, for the first person who can satisfactorily answer this question. This isn't some trivia, this is me honestly wanting to know the answer.

How is it possible for us to "run out of water"? I mean, even if we leave the water running when we brush our teeth, it goes down the drain, to the sewer pipes, then to a water treatment plant then back into the earth. Where is anything lost? even if we throw it on the ground it will evaporate and then come back as rain....

The only was I conceive that we can really run out of water is do launch it into outer space... which as far as I know, we don't do.



prozaciswack said...

That is a loaded question but I believe I understand how to explain. The problem is not us running out of water (as I believe you know), but running out of fresh water.

Yes, any fresh water we use will eventually somehow make it back into the system in ground water, lakes, rivers, and glaciers. The problem lies in having enough in each area at a time particularly in areas of high population or low rainfall.

In some places like Arizona and New Mexico the problem isn't directly population consumption but having enough to water the crops to feed population. Some rivers are diverted for agricultural purposes (as population rises need for food rises). In Colorado and Nevada 90% of the fresh water use is for agriculture (http://www.crwua.org/coloradoriver/riveruses/index.cfm?action=agriculture). many other forces speed up the problem such as soil salination from herbicides, fertilizer, and any other factors.

A good question would be, why do we grow crops in desert like environments? Although the answer to this is surely not as simple as it seems it probably is something to be considered. One possible solution for this is building Farming Towers in high populations areas with rain (http://www.treehugger.com/files/2007/04/skyfarming_new.php), but probably more hopeful is water desalination to increase fresh water reserves in troubled areas.

Also a major threat to water on earth is use by astronauts who eject their waste into space...

...just kidding on that part.

Hope this answers your question.

Anonymous said...

you boys and your conversations simply fascinate me or I need to sleep more or I need to get out more
this is adrea, i'm not really anonymous